The Weirdest Idea I’ve Ever Had?


I mentioned in my May Life Update that I’d like to move away from Oregon. I’ve just been here a really long time, and I figure if I can make it as a writer, I can write from anywhere.


Of course, the difficulty is deciding where to move. The way a church or community looks, from the outside, can be so deceiving. There are “liberal” churches where everyone judges each other and no one goes into missions, and there are “conservative” legalistic-looking churches that are totally chill with people just being themselves. I had a terrible experience once with a church that looked much like mine, from the outside, but inside was this whole culture of “ha-ha-no-big-deal” racism. Yes, racism. 

I realized, upon reflection, that I don’t want to just pick a place and move there. I want to try out a bunch of places.

So here’s my weird idea:

What if I spend a year or so living in a different place each month?

Of course, it’s still true that I don’t know where the good communities are. Help a girl out?

I’m open to just about anywhere, although at this point I’m mostly looking at Mennonite communities in the U.S.A. I would maybe consider Canada as well. Right now, while I’m still building my career, sticking with my tribe seems like a good idea. I’ll wait to live in Thailand and England and Venice and Kenya until I’m a bit more established. 😉

So here’s where you come in. If you live in a community that you think is awesome, PLEASE send me an email at, with the following information:

1. Where do you live? Tell me a bit about your community.

2. What sort of lodging would be available for a single girl who wants to stay in your community for a month? Does your aunt have a basement apartment? Are there a group of single girls living together in a house down the street from you? How much would a month’s rent be? (I’m chill with approximate guesses, for now.)

That’s it!

Thanks for your help. Maybe I’ll write a memoir about the experience or something. We’ll see 🙂

P.S. I just realized that the title is a bit misleading. I have had much weirder ideas than this. But this may be the weirdest one I’m actually going through with. This is weirder than crashing a party at a college I don’t attend, right?


9 responses to “The Weirdest Idea I’ve Ever Had?”

  1. I. LOVE THIS IDEA!!!!! 😱😱😱

    Liked by 1 person

  2. – as an example…

    British Columbia looks like an extreme of Oregon. Could be an easy-ish transition, at least 😉 I’ve always wanted to go there, myself. Beautiful.

    Maybe reach out to a church in landscapes that you are inspired by? Get acquainted with a few people of the church(es) and let them know your situation? This might broaden the feedback you are looking for.

    Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The upside of a community like northern Indiana is that you could stay for years and try a different church each month. 🙂 We could start a writer’s group. Any way, I love out of the box ideas, including this one.


  4. Hi Emily,

    I am curious-
    Could you write an article about self definition?
    How would you define yourself?
    On your grave stone- what would you want have put on there?
    I look up to you, and I am just curious. I wish I could be confident enough in my own self to have something nice to say about myself, as I am eager to hear you have to say about yourself.
    Would you mind sharing this with us readers?

    As a new wife, I often fear what my life what be like without my husband. I depend on him so much. Despite knowing that I can take care of myself and lead a fulfilled life, as I did without him (I have supported myself since i was 17). Life with him is just so much sweeter, and since I have met him- my whole life has turned into a blessing. I see other women stuck with incomplete grief by the loss of their husbands, and I fear this so much. I want to avoid defining myself just as a wife owing all I have to offer to him. I am trying to build relationships and a career so that my life doesn’t completely end if/when I lose him. Remarriage wouldn’t be in my future- so I don’t want “wife” to be the only thing I am ever going to be. Fortunately, you already know this about yourself. You are spunky and funny, and beautiful, and you have a career. I want that for myself as much as you might want a spouse. Married women and single women have some things in common, despite their daily routines being different.

    I am bringing this issue to you for help because you are an independent woman who is very good at defining herself through independent means. I am seeking mine. And, as you embark on this new self-journey, I just felt like this could be an opportune time to ask to talk about this issue with other women. Married or unmarried, we all battle self definition, and knowing what we want or have to offer the world outside of ourselves, no matter how big or small our family is a big part in that battle.




    1. Emily Sara Smucker Avatar
      Emily Sara Smucker

      Hi Anne,

      Interesting question. I will try to tackle it in a future blog post, as it got the wheels of my mind turning. However, I can’t promise I’ll have a good answer.



      1. You are a sweet and beautiful girl.
        Everything is going to work out for you ❤


  5. My goodness, what an adventure! I can’t even tell you how jealous I am.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. […] had a pretty fantastic response to my crazy idea. A nice healthy mix of strangers, family, and old friends welcomed me to their home […]


  7. […] July, I posted about my crazy idea: I want to spend a year traveling to different parts of the USA, spending a month in each […]


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