The Story of Dad’s Accident

It was a damp chilly morning, the day after my birthday, and I couldn’t help but think about what a nice birthday it had been.

I’d been afraid that my 30th would pass with little fanfare, since we’re still rather in Covid times. But it had been so lovely. Many people had reached out to wish me many happy returns. On Sunday I’d had friends over for an outdoor tea party. On Monday, the actual day of my birth, I’d arrived at work to find a light-up “Happy Birthday” sign in the combine. And this morning, my whole family had gathered for breakfast, both to celebrate my birthday and to have one last get-together before Matt and Phoebe left for Houston.

“What time are you going to work today?” I asked Jenny.

“1 pm. You?”

“I’m not sure yet. I’m waiting for a call from Darrell.”

Jenny and I both work as combine drivers, me for our neighbor, and Jenny for a farmer north of here. On these cloudier mornings, it takes a while for the grass to dry out enough to harvest. So after the rest of our siblings went to work, Jenny and I hung out in my room.

At 11:57 am I got the call, not from Darrell, but from his wife Simone. I thought it was strange that she was calling, but whatever. “Hello?” I said.

“Hi Emily. I just want to let you know that if you don’t want to come into work today because of your Dad’s accident, that’s fine.”

“Wait…what? Dad was in an accident?” I exchanged a horrified look with Jenny, who was close enough to also hear Simone’s words.

“Yes, he fell off a forklift at the warehouse. He has a gash in his head and his arm hurts. They’re about to take him away in an ambulance. Your Mom and Amy are here right now. So if you don’t want to come in to work today, that’s fine. We’ll figure something out.”

At that point I was too shocked and confused to make a decision about coming in to work.

It took a while for us to figure out exactly what happened to Dad, and even now there are a lot of things we don’t know. Only Dad was there when it happened. But here’s what we do know:

In one building of the warehouse, there was an auger high up on the wall. Dad had raised a pile of pallets on a forklift, set up a ladder, and climbed onto the pallets to fix the auger.

And then he fell.

He doesn’t remember falling. He remembers coming down the ladder with his hands full of tools, so for a while we were saying that he fell off the ladder. But the ladder itself never fell over, and his tools were still up on the forklift pallets. So did he actually fall off the forklift or the ladder?

We’re not sure.

There is a large pool of blood on the floor, where Amy later found his glasses and hearing aid. It seems he lay there unconscious for a while until his head wound clotted up. Then he got up, and called Mom at 11:15 am. How he called Mom when both his wrists were shattered and flopping unnaturally is beyond me. “It was hard,” he remembers.

Mom was taking a nap and didn’t hear her phone. Dad left a voicemail, but he didn’t manage to actually talk. So it’s a voicemail of eerie silence.

It was Chavon Baker, a 14 (I think?) year old boy who does odd jobs around the warehouse, who found him. And from what they say, Dad was a horrific sight, with blood all over his face, even in his teeth and eyeballs, and his bloodstained beard sticking out in all directions.

Chavon ran and got Kevin Birky, my cousin who runs the warehouse. Kevin called 911, and then called Mom. For some reason, Mom heard her phone this time, and she ran out the door without telling Jenny or I what was going on.

The warehouse is surrounded by the farm where I work, since it was all the same property back when my great-grandpa owned it. So Simone was driving through, saw what was going on, and ran to get Amy, who is also working for them this summer. Only Amy does housework, so she goes to work at a set, non-weather-dependent time.

In this way, both Amy and Mom were there to see Dad as he was splinted and bandaged and shuttled away in the ambulance. Then they came home, and we were all confused and agitated, trying to figure out what to do. Jenny had to leave for work, but I decided not to go to work, and to drive Mom to the hospital. Amy opted to stay home and make sure things ran smoothly on that end.

I’m not sure what I thought would happen. I did have a vague idea that I probably wouldn’t be able to go in and see Dad because of Covid, but I still wanted to be close by as moral support for Mom. So she went in, and I parked, and started wandering around the beautiful woods next to the hospital.

All alone.

The next two hours were achingly lonely. Mom sent a couple meager updates to the family WhattsApp group telling us that they were doing a CAT scan. Then, there was no info for over an hour.

I’ve been spotty with responding to texts these last several days, but there at the hospital I eagerly and instantly responded to everything that came in. I was starving for connection.

The grounds were lovely, though.


Finally the CAT scan results came back.

“Talked to Dr,” Mom wrote. “Brace yourselves: Both wrists shattered. Skull fracture above left eye. A few bleeds on brain. Back broken in 3 places.”

Prior to this, all we knew was that there was a gash in his head and he had one sore arm. We had no idea it was this bad. Later, we learned that there were a few breaks in his neck as well, but nothing that was in danger of paralyzing him, thank God.

Finally, Mom had a chance to call me. Basically, Dad was going to be in there for a long time. He needed surgery. I might as well go home.

So I did, and there was something about sitting on the porch steps with Amy, talking about everything, that was so wonderful after being so alone. But it made me really worried for Mom, by herself at the hospital, with no support. I know we were lucky that there were no Covid patients at the hospital, and that Dad didn’t have to be there alone, but still, I knew that this must be so isolating and stressful for Mom.

Steven works an early shift so he came home in the afternoon, and Ben was unable to concentrate on his work so he came home too.

Oh yes, there was one added layer of weirdness to this whole day. The electricity was out! They were working on the power lines. So I was trying to make myself a late lunch on a propane camp stove, since I didn’t have anything to eat while I was at the hospital, and then just as I was finished it came back on. Ha.

Jenny called us frequently, and she was in a weird head space too. But when she told her boss what was going on, he told her to go home and be with her family. So she came home, and Matt and Phoebe came over, and all of us siblings were together.

Matt and Phoebe decided to delay their move to Houston. Matt is still able to work remotely, due to Covid. It’s so strange, how Covid is separating us in some ways yet bringing us together in others.

We all called Mom that evening, and she put us on speakerphone so we could talk to Dad. It was bizarre…he sounded completely normal and sane, but then the sentences that left his mouth didn’t quite logically connect to each other.

The hospital rule is, only one person per 24-hour period. So none of us could give Mom a 4-hour break to get some rest, and none of us could be in there with Mom. Dad hardly slept those first two nights because he was in such terrible pain. (Oddly, it’s mostly his wrists that hurt, not his head.)

Dad had surgery on his wrists on Wednesday. So far, the plan is to heal his back and neck by using a brace. We’ll see how that goes.

Thursday morning, Amy went in to take Mom’s place. Jenny and I went back to work, although I asked to get off early. And then it rained, so I got off extra early. That was nice…it meant I was home when Mom woke up, and was able to debrief with her.

Then, this morning I took Mom back to the hospital to switch with Amy again. It’s a little cloudy still, so I don’t need to go to work until 1:00 pm. So now I have time to write this blog post, I guess.

I guess the real question is, “how is Dad doing?”

This is a hard question to answer. In some ways, he’s very lucky he didn’t end up killed or paralyzed. He has a healthy body that should recover well, and he really is quite “with it” considering how hard he whacked his head open.

The two things, right now, that feel the most heartbreaking are his confusion and his pain.

He can’t seem to get on top of the pain in his wrists, and it’s making it really hard for him to sleep.

As for his confusion, he’s in that terrible place, almost normal brain function, but not quite. I sent a video clip to my friend Esta because I didn’t know how to explain what he was like, she she said, “it’s like he has a clear coherent thought, and then halfway through saying it he forgets it.”

Yes. That’s exactly what it’s like. And how awful that must feel! It seems like it might be more of a mercy if he were completely out of it.

Dad is a problem solver by nature, and he seems to be in constant state of wanting to fix things. The “things to fix” are mostly his pain, and warehouse problems. This is the beginning of harvest, and while Dad had trained Kevin to run the warehouse, there are still a lot of things Dad takes care of by himself. So he keeps remembering things he needs to do about the warehouse, but then not quite connecting all the dots, and not quite being able to communicate.

In his worst moments, right after surgery, he kept getting mixed up about the wedding as well. Once he said that if people want to know what’s going on with warehouse stuff, they should ask Phoebe.

Still, I think a lot of this confusion is due to the surgery anesthesia, not the head injury. Amy had a moment with Dad where he was back to his old self mentally, although it didn’t last. But hopefully these moments will happen with more frequency as the anesthesia wears off.

Anyway, that’s where we’re at now. It’s hard to keep people updated because we keep learning of new random problems. According to Mom, the nurse just told her, “This is what happens with trauma patients. New stuff shows up every day.”

I might write more when I know more, and I might not. Right now, we’re looking at a long and difficult recovery.


32 responses to “The Story of Dad’s Accident”

  1. Anna Ruth king Avatar
    Anna Ruth king

    You mentioned pain,, our daughter had a compound fracture and her pain level was high until she tried CBD oil. Which helped immediately. Make sure you get a good quality of cbd oil If decide to try it.


  2. Lloyd and Donna Sensenig Avatar
    Lloyd and Donna Sensenig

    Thanks for the update and praying are coming your way keep us updated


  3. Hi, Emily. I’m so very sorry about your dad’s accident. Haven’t caught up with your family for a while, but I ran into your mom at Winco a while back, near the beginning of Covid, when I was shopping with my mom. Your mom and I hugged and then drew back, saying, oops. But I’m glad we did hug then, and I’m praying for all of you. So are my husband, Tim, and my parents. I know Riverbend all too well, having been cared for there myself and waiting with relatives many times. They are dedicated people. (Plus there are angels helping them all, I think, more than any of us realizes.)


  4. Kathy Sadlier Avatar
    Kathy Sadlier

    I’m sorry you’re facing this- yes trauma can take a long time to heal sadly. Will keep praying. May you feel Gods presence close. Kathy Sadlier


  5. ANITA KROPF Avatar

    Thanks, Emily, for writing this….very informative and answered some questions we’ve been having….you are in our prayers!


    1. Donna McFarland Avatar
      Donna McFarland

      I’m so sorry. Praying for your dad and your family.


  6. Bonnie Smucker Avatar
    Bonnie Smucker

    Blessings Emily
    I have no words to make it better but know we’re praying and lifting you all to the Father who is the maker and healer of our bodies!
    Know you’re loved and thot of everyday!!!


  7. Your dad had angels surrounding him. I will be praying for him as well as you all. I will be praying there is no lasting damage.


  8. I was sorry to hear this. But thanks for letting your blog family know! We will be praying!


  9. Yer lyons Avatar
    Yer lyons

    Really thinking of you My friends daughter fell off her ladder up 35 feet fell on some barrels. Broke both her ankles. Hurt her shoulder. It took her almost 6 months to a year to fully recover. She is finally back Did a lot of praying. Still praying for your family.


  10. The Baritone Avatar
    The Baritone

    Thanks for the updates. Will be praying.


  11. Zelma Baker Avatar
    Zelma Baker

    Thanks for the details, please keep us updated.


  12. Katrina Hoover Lee Avatar
    Katrina Hoover Lee

    Thanks for sharing Emily – prayers for healing.



    Praying you through this valley.
    Farther along, We’ll understand it
    Trust in the Lord, who doeth all
    things well.


  14. Tabitha Schmidt Avatar
    Tabitha Schmidt

    Thanks for sharing this! I’ll say a prayer for your dad and for all of you too.


  15. davymast Avatar

    We were in a similar position with our son four months ago. The confusion and pain, oh how that hurts to watch. You want to fix it. Take it away. And when he’s in pain and you call the nurse to ask for meds and in his confusion he tells her, “no, I don’t have pain….” We will be praying. Remember, “The eternal God is our refuge, and underneath are the Everlasting Arms.” He is there with your dad and mom and there with you and there with your sisters and there with your brothers.


  16. Lauren Avatar

    All best wishes for the Smucker family!


  17. LeeAnn Avatar

    Thanks for sharing -we are so sorry. I just broke a small bone in my hand a couple weeks ago and it was so painful. I can hardly imagine how much pain he must be in. We
    will be praying for him and for your family


  18. Oh my goodness Emily!! I’m so sorry for you😪🙏 I hope your dad gets better soon.


  19. Thank you for the more detailed post. Prayers through the gifting of this trial. “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge.” Psalm 91:4


  20. Doris Lee Avatar
    Doris Lee

    Sure appreciate all the updates from you and your mom! Just 1 small question of “The Happening”….How high up was the stack of pallets (if he fell from where the ladder met the top of the pallets)? Praying for all yall!


    1. Emily Sara Smucker Avatar
      Emily Sara Smucker

      The pallets were about 10-12 feet from the ground, but we don’t know if he fell from that height or if he fell when he was partway down the ladder.


  21. I’m very sorry to hear about this dreadful accident. Your Dad, you and all are in my thoughts and hope your Dad will make good physical and mental memory as soon as possible


  22. Shara Loewen Avatar
    Shara Loewen

    So sorry to hear about your dad’s accident! I’m thinking of all the cards that say GET WELL SOON. Yes, that would be great wouldn’t it?, just poof. But sometimes, it takes much longer than soon. So, I’ll be thinking about you all… during this ‘not soon’ time..★


  23. rhonda.cherene Avatar

    Four months ago we experienced the same thing with my eighteen year old brother. It’s one of the most confusing and strange experiences I’ve ever been through. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers! It’s incredibly hard to not be able to see and touch him in something like this. The not knowing from minute to minute with a head trauma is so rough. I wish there was a way other than prayer that I could help, but I guess that’s the most important thing anyways.


  24. Grayce and Max Avatar
    Grayce and Max

    Words are difficult at this time, but know that we are praying for all of you and especially for healing for Paul. This whole experience is so hard but you know that the Holy Spirit will be ministering to your souls. May the Lord especially bless you Dorcas to have the wisdom and strength that you need when you need it and that you will feel the power from the Lord of all the prayers and love of family and friends.


  25. I’m sorry. This is so hard.


  26. […] (and am still working) through the last stages of getting my book published, and my dad had a terrible accident that changed […]


  27. […] Sunday School. A cappella singing. All that. Dad preached a really good (I thought) sermon about his accident, and trying to reconcile why God allows bad things to happen. His story really seemed to move […]


  28. […] When the temperature falls, I go outside and sit in the hot tub, easing my aching muscles. It still feels strange that we are fancy hot tub people. (We got it so Dad could exercise and potentially regain muscle activity after his accident.) […]


  29. […] it occurred to me that if Darrel ever had an accident in the middle of harvest similar to my dad’s, no one would really know how to run the farm. I began to wonder how much of the harvest I could […]


  30. […] who had to figure out how to bring the harvest in alone when her uncle/boss had an accident similar my dad’s that puts him out of […]


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