When I am rich I will…

  • Eat melons for breakfast everyday
  • Use satin sheets and pillowcases
  • Wear saddle shoes with little lacy socks

  • Have a little round-topped wooden door in the basement leading to a room filled with a large vcr, comfy couches, and old Disney movies
  • Use giant ceramic mushrooms as end tables
  • Wear homemade satin underwear

  • Have a room in my house completely filled with books and also a hot-water dispenser for tea
  • Actually I’d have a hot-water dispenser in every room. But they’d be pretty, not ugly generic things like the ones at school.

(ooooh covet covet)

  • I’ll have a car that is CUTE and LITTLE and YELLOW
  • Oh, and every weekend I’ll use it to go to Broadway and see a musical. Or I might just go in my pink stretch limo.
  • I’ll have a pink stretch limo and a driver with an unlimited number of fairy tales stored up in his head for drives that get really long
  • Plus a really cool sound system that can play all of my favorite show tunes from all of my favorite musicals


Now that I’ve gotten that out of my system I should say some things about my life. Like, I moved to a big farmhouse and now I’m at my Aunt’s house for Thanksgiving and I just discovered that Virginia is not considered a part of New England and that people in Virginia do not think they come from a small state.

(Speaking of which did you know that in THREE  HOURS you can go through FOUR STATES? Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. I did it today. Well it took me four hours but I drove slow and got stuck in traffic for a long time.)

For some reason, in my head, the original13 states were all collectively referred to as New England. I guess not. It’s just the teeny tiny smaller-than-Virginia ones up north. Virginia is technically “Mid-Atlantic” so how come I heard about New England quite a bit in Oregon but I never heard about Mid Atlantic?



4 responses to “When I am rich I will…”

  1. I could go for a hot water dispenser in every room.
    Question: Is homemade satin underwear comfortable?


    1. Emily Smucker Avatar
      Emily Smucker

      I have no clue I just think it’s the cutest thing on the planet 🙂


  2. Satin sheets are not comfortable. I used to slip off of mine all the time. Same for the satin pillow cases. However, a movie screening room is a must!


  3. Hey, my new room has an arched wooden door. But it’s upstairs, not in the basement. 🙂


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